Are you concerned about your teeth? Do you have an overbite or underbite and want to know how to fix it? Tired of hiding that gap during photos? Modern dental methods for correcting crooked teeth are much more attainable than ever before. In most cases, these treatments are both affordable and painless, depending on the… Read More

There are a variety of benefits to choosing Invisalign as a method to straighten your teeth, including a shorter treatment period and the ability to remove trays for meals and beverages. In addition, the process is often less costly and more affordable than other treatments. However, you still have to be incredibly mindful of cavities… Read More

Even though enamel, a mineral form of calcium phosphate, scores 5 on the Mohs hardness scale—harder than steel—it is also brittle, comparable to glass. As a result, chips, fractures, cracks, and significant breaks, like a tooth broken in half, are not uncommon.   If severe enough, broken and chipped teeth can cause severe pain and/or cause… Read More

Before investing in Invisalign, which requires significant long-term commitment and is a relatively expensive treatment, you want to be sure what you’re getting and whether or not it’s going to deliver the results you want.  So, we’ve put together the biggest collection you’ll find of before and after pictures for Invisalign patients so you don’t… Read More

Have you ever looked at a picture of yourself and thought your gum tissue was out of proportion to your smile? If so, you may be suffering from what’s known as excessive gingival display, or more commonly, gummy smile.  The good news is, the situation is treatable. You can have the movie-star smile you’re looking… Read More

Cosmetic dentistry is the type of dental care you need when you wish to improve the way your smile looks. Orthodontics, on the other hand, is a specialized type of dental care focused on improving the position of teeth and the jaw to overcome an improper bite. While the two types of dental care share… Read More

Stem cell research has exploded in the last 20 years, so it should come as no surprise that a major segment of medicine, such as dentistry, would have its fair share of researchers attempting to make new scientific breakthroughs.   Those breakthroughs are, by all accounts, at least several years away from your local dentist’s office,… Read More

Many adults have had fillings, where a dentist fills in a decayed tooth with dental material to prevent further damage. The same type of treatment can be administered to children, too. The goal is to preserve the tooth’s health and function for years to come, even with baby teeth. It can also help to reduce… Read More

Yes, children can definitely wear braces with some baby teeth remaining. Children won’t need braces when they have only baby teeth, but it may be the right course of action in some cases where a child has mixed baby and permanent teeth.  That’s the short answer. The long answer is that nobody can offer you… Read More

Today’s blog comes to us courtesy of one of our patients, Matt. Matt is a 42-year-old marketing executive here in Houston. We recently invited him to Bunker Hill Dentistry to try out our new Itero Element 2 intraoral digital scanner. He was kind enough to share his thoughts on the process with us, with a… Read More